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Can I fly my flag when a storm is on the way?

1st Nov 2023
By sarah-jane grainger |
Advice | Flagpoles |

As we say goodbye to summer and hello to the colder months, the weather will turn. We can expect much more rain, strong winds and even a storm or two!

A flag flying in a storm with waves hitting the rocks and sea spray coming over the top

In strong winds, i.e. over force 6/30 mph, all normal flags should be taken down and may be replaced with storm flags of one-third the size. In wind speeds over force 8/45 mph, no flags should be flown. If flags are still flying with a wind speed of 30mph or more it is likely to cause damage to your flag (and shorten its lifespan) and cause unnecessary stress on the flagpole. This can contribute to possible minor cosmetic damage to long-term structural issues with the flagpole.

So how do you know when the wind reaches 30mph we hear you ask? The Beaufort Scale, which is used in Met Office marine forecasts, is an empirical measure for describing the wind intensity based on observed sea conditions.

Here at Harrisons, we closely watch The Met Office UK Storm centre. This way, we can alert our customers when a storm is on the way. So, keep a close eye on our social channels!

Regularly servicing your flagpole will also minimise the risks of your flagpole becoming damaged. Any potential issues can be identified and resolved before they become significant issues. Harrison Flagpoles are on hand to assist you with your flagpole maintenance schedule. Contact us now to book our team in!

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