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Flags are more than just colourful pieces of fabric. They are symbols of identity, pride and unity. As such, they are often accompanied by specific customs and etiquette, particularly for national flags. Whilst some customs differ from country to country, there are others that are universal. In this article we’ll explore the customs and etiquette that befit all national flags.
Above all, flags should be treated with respect and dignity. When they are raised, this should happen briskly, and when lowered, it should be done with reverence. Many national flags should be flown only from sunrise to sunset. If flown at night, it should be illuminated. National flags should also never be allowed to touch the ground.
Where more than one flag is flown on a flagpole, the national flag should be flown in the highest position. If flown as part of a group of flagpoles, it should be flown on the central pole. The national flag of the country should be flown in the most prominent position. The exception to this is during medal ceremonies at sporting events.
In some countries, government buildings should be flown every day. In others, such as the UK, there are special flag flying days when government guidance says the Union flag should fly on government buildings. In the US it is customary to display the US flag on certain holidays including Independence Day and Memorial Day.
Many national flags have a specific orientation in which it should be flown. It is important not to fly flags upside down, as this can be considered as a sign of distress. If a horizontal flag is displayed vertically, care should be taken to ensure it is displayed correctly.
Flags are more than just symbols on fabric. Each nation’s flag is treasured, as it is a reflection of that country’s identity, history, and values. By honouring flag etiquette, we pay tribute to the ideals for which the flag stands. This fosters a sense of unity, pride, and respect, something which is common to all nations and cultures.