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Harrison Eco™: Showcasing our commitment to sustainable practices

18th Oct 2024
By sarah-jane grainger |
Eco-friendly | Flags |

As a business, Harrison Flagpoles are dedicated to promoting sustainable practices. We are an innovative company and we recognise the importance of looking after our planet. We have adapted our practices to reduce our environmental impact. Our Harrison Eco™ range is proud to join the global movement towards a greener, more sustainable future. Here we explore how Harrison Eco™ is championing sustainability and making a positive impact on our planet.

Sustainable flag material

We are proud to offer our eco-friendly Harrison Eco™ material as an option for most of our flags. Our innovative material is made from recycled plastic items. This includes single-use PET plastic bottles and industrial polyester waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill. The plastic is melted down into chips and then processed into a yarn, which is knitted to form a material. The material may be eco-friendly, but it does not compromise on durability, strength and versatility. These are the same as in heir knitted polyester equivalent. The flag design is digitally printed on Harrison Eco™ material and meets the requirements for OEKO-TEK 100 standards. It is free from toxic elements. Our Harrison Eco material range includes our flag material, along with Harrison Eco banner material and display material. Harrison Eco™ creates 75% less CO₂ emissions than virgin polyester in production.

Image of Harrison Eco™ flag flying - part of the sustainable practices of Harrison Flagpoles

Waste reduction initiatives

Harrison Flagpoles encourage both staff and our customers to reduce, reuse, repair, repurpose and recycle wherever possible. Our mission is to source or develop eco-friendly alternatives wherever we can. By prioritising waste reduction and recycling, we’re working towards a circular economy. Here resources will be reused and recycled, rather than disposed of in landfills. Our manufacturing processes are designed to keep waste to an absolute minimum. Our quality products are built to last too. Outside our manufacturing practices, our waste reduction initiatives extend to recycling over 70% of our general office waste.

Our fabric upcycling scheme

One of our commitments to sustainability is to upcycle or repurpose as much fabric as possible from our products. We’re proud to be the first UK supplier to offer this. Each year over 90 million tonnes of textile waste is produced globally ending up in landfill. At Harrison Flagpoles, our aim is that 10% of the fabric we print is recycled or upcycled, safe from landfill. Our re-purposing scheme allows customers to send their used flags back to us. We then transform them into a range of useful products such as shopping bags, sports bags or tote bags. These are ideal to purchase as a business, for giveaways.

Charity partnerships

Along with our focus on sustainability and waste reduction, we support a local dog welfare charity, FLOOF. We provide them with the re-purposed dog toys made from used flags sent in by customers. These are also available to purchase, for a small donation, with any order. These are available to gift to a dog waiting for their forever home at FLOOF.

Flagpole recycling service

As a proud British manufacturer, all our glassfibre flagpoles are made at our custom-built facility in County Durham. Harrison Flagpoles are committed to protecting our planet. We have the UK’s first flagpole recycling service. Any glassfibre waste that is produced in the manufacturing of our flagpoles is recycled. We’re proud to recycle over one tonne of glassfibre waste every month.

Harrison Flagpoles affirms its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Through our sustainable products, waste reduction and recycling initiatives. We’re working towards a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

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