![Harrison Flagpoles logo](https://flagpoles.co.uk/wp-content/themes/sage-8.4.2/dist/images/logo.png)
![Brilliantly British](https://flagpoles.co.uk/wp-content/themes/sage-8.4.2/dist/images/brilliantly-british.png)
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Industry and news reports suggest that the UK economy and more specifically, the construction sector is beginning to recover from the COVID-19 slump, spurred on by Government initiatives such as the new Acceleration unit. At a period of unprecedented job losses and an economy in recession, we truly hope that this is the beginning of a strong return for the whole industry, so that our nation may recover economically from the effects of this pandemic.
The Government’s focus upon construction is evidence that this industry is a vital component of the UK’s economy and the critical contribution of the sector has been highlighted by Government leaders on various occasions. The construction sector was one of the first to return to work following lock down in March, with extended hours, access to COVID testing and Government support to ensure the return was carried out in a safe manner.
This is reassuring for suppliers such as ourselves, as we’ve also walked a rocky road in recent months. The uncertainty has thrown many challenges our way.
Six months since lock down was announced, things appear to be improving for manufacturers like ourselves, each month we are seeing our business build momentum, with flag and flagpole sales improving month on month. This upwards trend is welcomed with open arms. Specifically, we’re encouraged by the increasing volume of custom flagpole projects coming through. The vast majority from the construction and facilities management sectors. A reassuring indicator that this sector is picking up momentum.
For us the construction sector has been a lifeline and we are heartened that our customers are coming back to us after a period of stagnation. The robustness of this sector is having a positive knock on effect on many other businesses just like ours who reside in the construction and FM supply chain. A win for construction is a win for us and we hope to see more of our customers return to us as more firms ‘bounce back’ from COVID.